Saturday, January 29, 2011

favorite things friday..urrr..Saturday!

I know.. I know I missed the post yesterday.
BUT I was spending time with my favorite friend 
Meghan and I always have amazing times, we do crazy things, tease people, pull pranks, play games, have really deep talks, and really understand each other..  all while laughing ourselves to death.. seriously we are one dynamic duo.

and I love her to pieces. 

(I will post pictures soon =] I PROMISE!)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh snow...

Here's a little sneak peak =D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free Camera bag give away!

I found this GREAT give away, on MCP actions blog
They are giving away a wonderful Kelly Moore Bag!
All you have to do to enter to win, is comment on the post, saying which bag you would like. 
I put that I would like the Kelly Moore Kelly Boy Bag Mustard!

Which bag would you like from their website?
hope you are having a wonderful snow day!
Check back later today(or tonight) for some lovely pictures of a snow princess(aka my sister Jess :-)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Innocence =]

Ever since I was a little kid, I have LOVED juice boxes!
Innocent Wonder is the iheartfaces challenge this week, so here is my entry!
I feel like innocence is having your favoirte part of the day going to chuckie cheese.. or having a special babysitter come, or playing a fun game with your neighbor. Innocence is loving that your mom let you have a juice box.
When I was little, everything amazed me..everything amused me! I could spend hours doing practically nothing.. and still having a ball.
I think thats what Innocent Wonder really is, just sitting somewhere with your little juice box, completely happy.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I changed my blog...

THIS time though.. its a winner! This really describes me. It shows my style.. it shows ME! 

So I hope you guys like it as much as I do =]

I just love that font up at the top! Its so PERTY!
( and yes I am saying perty =DD)

I'm not so sure about the post font.. (the font you are reading now)
Can you see what it says?

Any thoughts from my faithful followers?


I love my converse =]
and this picture too =]
 here's a link to another post about shoes on my blog! I forgot about this shoe picture.. isn't it AHdorable?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Olivia Parker.. a super creative still life photographer!

Olivia Parker has some really cool photography.

She is a still life photographer, who is really unique. Her work is really unique.
Here are two photographs I really like =]


I really like the composition elements of this picture. 
I love how 'set up" and planned it seems. 
Olivia parker does a wonderful job of finding cool old things and creating it into something unique to photograph.
To me, she is not only a great photographer, but also a great collager, and sculptor!
I am not a big fan of birds, but something about this pictures draws me in. 
I love the keys in the bottom, I love the light in the picture. 
And most of all, I love how nothing else is in the composition.. its a great photo!

I really LOVE this photo of Olivia Parker's because of its simplicity.
The lighting in it is beautiful and its so simple. I feel like sometimes as a photographer, I think too much about what I want, that I forget the simply like this. 
I'd really like to try something as simple as open bean strings on a white canvas. 
I love how cool this looks!
I don't get it! I mean I know that the one pear is in front of the mirror.. but I don't understand where the other pears are coming from! 
I love how this blends abstract and the stereotype of still life fruit into one. 
Its a beautiful photograph!

Lastly, I'd like to share this photo with you guys. I LOVE THIS PHOTO!
The use of shadow.. for a white picket fence... and then put flowers like they are growing along it is WONDERFUL!
I love how she came up with this idea.. I love the tight composition.. I love how out of the box it is!
Shadows are such a cool thing.. and I'd like to experiment with them in some of my photography!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Favorite things friday..

Today my favorite thing is 
babies..toddlers.. and older kids.. I LOVE them all!
I babysit ALOT.. and I babysat alot today.. so they have been on my mind! 

Cute things they say..cute things they do.. playing, laughing, imagining, snuggling.
I love everything about kids!
(and yes I realize that they also scream, cry and get whiney..but lets try to be positive here!)

These are some photos of Max, I babysit him every week.. and lets just say we have some fun (and  MESSY) times together!
 Max is a little charmer =] He knows how to work what he's got.. and he's got the cute factor BIG time!

Today I was babysitting him.. and we were just playing and I told him I wanted to eat him like a cookie.. cause he's so sweet. He turned to me, laughed and said, "you can't eat me and I'm not a cookie, I'm Max!" I said back.. "alright! I'll eat you like Mac and Cheese.. we'll call it Max and Cheese =D"
isn't he a cutie???
 He LOVES running and playing =]
I love this picture of him.. because it captures his personality perfectly!
 Max and I like to play this one game.. 
We sit on the two seat swing(like in the picture below) 
and we pretend its a flying train.. 
we fly up into the sky somewhere.. and then land somewhere completely different!
Once we get to that place.. there is some sort of animal that is coming to get us.. and we have to hurry and get back into the sky. 
Normally its lions.. or tigers.. or dinosaurs. 
but one time he looks around and yells out
I burst out laughing and had to constrain myself to not upset him!
Its still one of my FAVORITE stories =]

hope you enjoyed these adorable pictures of one adorable boy! =]

Film Photography

Finally.. I am posting some of my film photography! Its been a long time coming.. so I'm glad its FINALLY HERE! haha!

These pictures are a little funny.. because I scanned them in and the scanner did some weird things to them.. 

Basically for those of you who don't know.. I took these with my film camera, with FILM. Then I went to my school and with out exposing it to light,  I put it into a changing bag, and then into a tank( a light sealed container so no light can get in) then you go through a series of chemicals to develop your film and seal it onto the negative strip.
After the negatives dry out.. you can make enlargements.  Thats what these pictures are, enlargements from my negatives.
These are made in the darkroom, on special light sensitive paper, using an enlarger. 

I have seriously loved every minute in the darkroom. It takes ALOT longer than digital prints.. but it teaches patience. And when you have that final picture in your hands.. it is so fulfilling. and it feels like YOURS. You not only took the photo.. but developed the film.. picked the negative, made at least 3 or 4 test strips and then your final print. This photo is controlled by you in as MANY possible ways as possible. 
Don't get me wrong.. I love digital photography too.. but darkroom helps me be a better digital photographer

So.. with out further ado.. here are some of my scanned in enlargements =D

This is from my roll of Light and Movement film
This next picture I hand colored.
Which means that I painted in the colors.. its something that some of the first photographers did.. and is really cool..

This next photo.. I was experimenting. It was originally really grey.. with out a lot of contrast.
So I burnt the edges.. and then soaked it in tea for two days. 
I thought it turned out pretty cool!

Hope you enjoyed these pictures and learning a little bit more about photography!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Nasty cold..

Hello Blog land =D

I have come down with the nastiest cold EVER.. so I won't be posting anything to serious for the next few days! 
Its one of those colds where everything sounds fuzzy, and my head feels like a balloon..
so.. since I've been promising some of my film photography for a LONG time.. I'll post a couple for a little sneak peak!

I heart faces.

Winter Wonderland =D

I love this photo! I think it really shows winter and the magical feelings that come out when we just stand outside in the snow =]

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Its just been a lazy Saturday for me..
Here is a picture I took last fall...its not exactly the way I want I was going to play around more with this idea...
What do you think?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Favorite things Friday!

Since I'm posting alot more, I wanted to have some unique things.. so I'm starting

Favorite things Friday!

This week.. my favorite thing is ART!

here are a few of my favorite pieces from our art show!

 I'm sorry I don't know who this is by.. if you know please comment!
by Paige Speckhart..

 This is a piece by Chloe Larmer.. 
(its really dark in this picture because there was a shelf above it =D)
 I LOVE this painting!!!
(by Sara Quigley)

This is my favorite piece I had in the show.. 

My other favorite thing was that I got to see Tangled again tonight with one of my bestest friends.. if not my bestest friend, Meghan!!! And it was still good the second time I saw it =] So if you have free time go see it!!!

What was your favorite thing this friday?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

the most adorable camera on earth.

Omygoodness.. I'm in love..with a camera! (surprise surprise..)

Isn't it ADORABLE???
Its called, 

Lomo Diana F+ CMYK Multi Color Tokyo Ed Film Camera

Its from Tokyo.. and I wish that the Nikon D90 looked like this.. because then I would have already bought it!

hope this brought a smile to your face =]

Tonight the Art show was AMAZING =D I enjoyed seeing SO many great artists and their work =]
Great Job Everyone!

Tomorrow I'll be posting about the art show.. about a new weekly blog post I'm starting..
and in the future..
FILM PHOTOGRAPHY(YES! It will happen eventually!!)
Some experimental stuff
Research on some REALLY great photographers
and much more =]
hope your thursday was as wonderful as mine was =]

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well these pictures must be worth a million words =D
These pictures are a little quirky.. definetly not in my normal "style". But sometimes its good to try things outside of the box. So here they are  =]

Last night I was experimenting with words in pictures.. of course I started with scrabble letters

I really like this next one. 

 So many girls get wrapped up in beauty and what they think beauty is. 
Beauty isn't about how much makeup you wear, what clothes you wear or how you wear your hair.
Its about the inside. 
This picture tells a part of that story.

 Hope you had a good Wednesday! I've been laying on the couch all day watching House =D. I've not been feeling so great.. so watching a show about REALLY sick people has started to make me feel better!! Haha.. weird I know..

Remember my art shows tomorrow.. so if your free please come!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Art Show!

Hellloo everyone!!
I would like to invite you all to the Exton Mall, to see the 
Center For Performing and Fine Arts
Art Show!
It is on Thursday January 13th
right near the Macy's entrance with the fountain.
It is from 5-8

If your in the area I'd really like to see you! I have some pieces that I have been working on for a long time, that I am really proud of, in the show. So if you have a few minutes.. or your just happen to be browsing at the mall stop by! I'll be there from about 5-6. 
Anywhoo.. onto some PICTURES!
I love candles! here are some shots I took the other night =]
and I know there still lives.. but I'm posting some REALLY interesting things soon.. so just sit tight =D


Monday, January 10, 2011

something cold..

something cold..

Oh those snuggely days..

Today is a good day.
Sitting here on my super comfortable bed, wearing sweats and a comfy sweater just doing school with my fluffy and listening to the always wonderful Owl City.  Seriously.
Today is a good day!

While sitting here, I've been checking the normal photography blogs that I like to check, and I thought, Hey! I should share these with everybody so they can see how great they are too!
So.. here is my list of the photography blogs I check on a regular basis.. the ones that inspire me, the ones that make me laugh, the ones that teach me how to become a better portrait photographer.

So here you go, ( a great experienced photographer who offers advice like its candy!) ( a sweet bubbly photographer who is really great at blogging) (a younger but very popular photographer) (Two photographers who are great at blogging and have scheduled blogposts(pancake sessions and so on) ( I recently discovered this photographer from her interview on, she is a great photographer and has recently just done a charity project with photography, giving away free sessions to teen moms and there kids.)

There are so many great photography blogs.. I literally can't name them all! But hope these get you inspired and trying new things!
I promise posts with pictures soon!!
(coming up: candles, landscapes, and my film photography(scanned into the computer))

Now off to finish my school work =]

please take a long hard look through your textbook..
cause I'mm history..
(Owl City)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The greatest and the best of landscapes..

Whenever landscapes are even mentioned.. Ansel Adams normally comes up. He is a super well known photographer. 
I have always loved his work,

His work is magnificent. wonderful.
AHHH I'm in love =D

Another piece of photography that goes hand in hand with landscapes, is environmental portraiture.
Environmental portraiture.. is taking portraits of people in there normal place.
A lady on her front porch in a rocking chair,
A kid playing on the swing set,
A girl snuggled up with a cup of tea and a book.
Environmental portraiture is about the person's personality AND where they feel they belong. Where there space is.
Environmental portraiture is more about the space around the person than the person.

Now, I've been doing some research on Environmental portraiture because I have an assignment on it in photography.. and I came across Arnold Newman.
This guy was super cool! He was known as one of the first environmental portrait photographers.
He believed that no matter who he was photographing, it should be a pleasing image. He said,

"The surroundings had to add to the composition and the understanding of the person. No matter who the subject was, it had to be an interesting photograph. Just to simply do a portrait of a famous person doesn't mean a thing."

Here is a link to his portraits.
One of my favorites is his portrait of Picaso,
Pablo Picaso, by Arnold Newman

Here is my favorite quote from him, 

“We do not take pictures with our cameras, 

but with our hearts and minds.”

-Arnold Newman