Friday, January 7, 2011

Late Christmas photos..

I don't know about you guys.. but I had an 
AWESOME Christmas.
I didn't go anywhere.. just stayed home and relaxed!
I didn't post these before christmas, but here are some pictures of when we decorated our tree!
 This is an ornament of Ann Boleyn.. 
My grandparents used to live in England and we would go visit them. 
My parents picked up these ornaments when I was about 5, when we were visiting for Christmas. 
When I was about 10 I became FASCINATED with all things to do with England especially the Tudor time period. I read every novel, every book, looked up information played games where we lived in England during the Tudor time period.. 
I was obsessed.. and consequently this set of ornaments is my favorite =]
 This next one is Queen Elizabeth =D
 A Christmas post would not be complete with out alittle bokeh..
 And this is the adorable Mae Belle.. my dog!
 I tied bells on her collar.. mae BELLE 
haha =D
 I couldn't resist one more picture of her.. this one is so cute!
(and don't worry I gave her a haircut over Christmas break! she really really needed one!)
 And lastly a picture of my and my little fuzz ball!

Hope you all had nice christmases =]

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