Friday, January 14, 2011

Favorite things Friday!

Since I'm posting alot more, I wanted to have some unique things.. so I'm starting

Favorite things Friday!

This week.. my favorite thing is ART!

here are a few of my favorite pieces from our art show!

 I'm sorry I don't know who this is by.. if you know please comment!
by Paige Speckhart..

 This is a piece by Chloe Larmer.. 
(its really dark in this picture because there was a shelf above it =D)
 I LOVE this painting!!!
(by Sara Quigley)

This is my favorite piece I had in the show.. 

My other favorite thing was that I got to see Tangled again tonight with one of my bestest friends.. if not my bestest friend, Meghan!!! And it was still good the second time I saw it =] So if you have free time go see it!!!

What was your favorite thing this friday?

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