Wednesday, January 12, 2011

a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well these pictures must be worth a million words =D
These pictures are a little quirky.. definetly not in my normal "style". But sometimes its good to try things outside of the box. So here they are  =]

Last night I was experimenting with words in pictures.. of course I started with scrabble letters

I really like this next one. 

 So many girls get wrapped up in beauty and what they think beauty is. 
Beauty isn't about how much makeup you wear, what clothes you wear or how you wear your hair.
Its about the inside. 
This picture tells a part of that story.

 Hope you had a good Wednesday! I've been laying on the couch all day watching House =D. I've not been feeling so great.. so watching a show about REALLY sick people has started to make me feel better!! Haha.. weird I know..

Remember my art shows tomorrow.. so if your free please come!

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