Friday, January 7, 2011

Snowy friday =]

Hello all =]

Hope you are all enjoying this snowy day as much as I am! My morning has been filled with snuggly pjs, candles and hot tea!

If you didn't notice I did a little blog makeover =]
Do you guys like it? please leave some feedback! Cause two heads are always better than one =]

I'll post some pictures later today or tomorrow!

Have a great snuggly day =]



  1. Sophie, i just luv the blog makeover! it's awesome!!! i've been doing lots of still lives too right now!!! i luv doing them, they're so much fun and u can just be so creative with them! let's do another photo shoot soon!


    i'm hoping to get the time to set up a photography blog of my own soon, i'll let you know when i've got it up and going. :)

  2. thanks so much Shelly! Hey if you check out my "about me" page theres a photo by you =] I gave you credit for it =D
    I am thinking about switching around some whites and blacks but for the most part this is how I like it =]
    and thanks again for commenting!
